Bovine Colostrum: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects

Colostrum, the first mother’s milk, stands as the richest source of nutrients and protective elements, an age-old provision since the dawn of humanity.

It is ideal food for babies because it contains everything they need to start getting used to life in the outside world.

Colostrum contains a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals and other important nutrients and plays an extremely important role in building the immune system.

What is bovine colostrum

Do other mammals also have colostrum? The answer is – yes! All mammals have colostrum. Calves, for example, are very sensitive during the first two weeks of life. This period is critical for calves as bovine colostrum houses antibodies shielding them from diverse infections caused by viruses and bacteria.

But there’s a little secret to bovine colostrum – it’s good for human health, too.

This article delves into the nutritional value, health advantages, and potential side effects and precautions associated with bovine colostrum.

What is Bovine Colostrum

Bovine colostrum is the first milk produced after the cow calves and is a rich natural source of macro and micronutrients, immunoglobulins and peptides with antimicrobial activity and growth factors.

Colostrum has unique ingredients and properties which are not specific to the species. Therefore, all features of human colostrum also apply to bovine colostrum.

Numerous global reports in medical science affirm that bovine colostrum has the potential to substitute immunity factors and growth factors within the human body.

Bovine colostrum is acquired through specialized procedures utilizing state-of-the-art and highly expensive technology. It is harnessed to enhance overall health and fortify immune support in humans.

Is Bovine Colostrum Good For You

Bovine colostrum has exceptional nutritional value, surpassing regular milk in protein, fat, carbohydrates, magnesium, B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, and E.

Explore the other reasons why Bovine colostrum is good for you.

Immunoglobulins (Antibodies)

Immunoglobulins, intricate protein molecules crafted by plasma cells, stand as a potent defense against foreign bodies within the body. These proteins play a pivotal role in treating and preventing allergies, viral and bacterial infections, as well as infections caused by fungi and yeasts.

Various classes of immunoglobulins exist, including IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE, and more. IgG, particularly crucial for immunity, transcends the placental barrier and is instrumental in safeguarding against infections.

Different types of antibodies have different biological activity. IgA and IgG antibodies, present in bovine colostrum, bind to bacterial toxins or harmful microorganisms in the intestines, preventing their harmful effects and marking them for identification by specialized cells like neutrophil granulocytes, which devour and destroy bacteria.

Bovine colostrum is rich in specific antibodies targeting over 19 pathogens responsible for diseases, such as Helicobacter pylori, Candida, Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, rota virus, Haemophilus influenzae, Cryptosporidium, and more.

Despite encountering digestive processes, antibodies in colostrum retain their biological activity until the middle part of the small intestine. Notably, even after passage through the digestive system, their biological activity persists in stool samples.

Vitamins, minerals, amino acids

We know that vitamins and minerals are essential for the normal development of all physiological functions, substance exchange and protection of the organism, while amino acids are the main building block of proteins.

Bovine colostrum boasts a rich composition of vitamins (A, B, C, D, E), folic acid, minerals, beta-carotene, and various amino acids.

For example, taurine from bovine colostrum provides energy and is important for brain development. Lysine destroys the herpes virus; glutamic acid neutralizes free radicals and helps with multiple sclerosis, etc.

Vitamin E, an antioxidant, primarily influences newly formed T lymphocytes, enhancing the secretion of signal molecules, thereby improving the coordination and efficiency of the immune system. Clinical studies have revealed the regulatory role of IgE antibodies in allergic reactions.

Additionally, bovine colostrum contains Lactobacillus bifidus acidophilus, which regulates foreign bacteria in the intestine, providing protection against diarrhea induced by viruses and bacteria.

Growth Factors

Bovine colostrum is rich in bioactive factors, including colostrinin, a peptide abundant in the amino acid proline (PRP).

PRP, or proline-rich polypeptide, plays a crucial role in regulating the thymus, the gland overseeing the body’s immune system. It possesses the unique ability to stimulate a weakened immune system and balance an overactive one, commonly observed in various autoimmune diseases.

These molecules demonstrate the capacity to regulate immune system activity, proven to improve or alleviate allergy symptoms.

Bovine colostrum for humans

Colostrinin exhibits a hormonal effect by influencing the development of new T lymphocytes. Additionally, it functions as an extracellular signal molecule, relaying information to white blood cells.

This stimulation leads to the secretion of active cytokine molecules, which, in turn, stimulates other cells in the immune system or hinders the growth of microorganisms.

Growth factors such as EGF (Epithelial Growth Factor), IGF-1 and IGF-2 (Insulin-like Growth Factors), PDGF (Platelet-Derived Growth Factor), and TGFA&B (Transforming Growth Factors) contribute to regeneration, speeding up recovery and healing across various tissues in the body (skin, muscles, nerves, cartilage, etc.).

IGF, in particular, is renowned for its ability to stimulate DNA and RNA regeneration, positioning it as a potent anti-aging factor.

Clinical evidence supports the role of IGF-1 in increasing muscle mass and regulating blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


Cytokines such as interleukins, interferon, and lymphokines, exhibit antiviral and antitumor activities, playing a crucial role in regulating and intensifying immune reactions. They contribute to fortifying T-cell activity and promoting the production of immunoglobulins.


Lactoferrin, another protein present in colostrum, shares immunostimulating properties with colostrinin.

It enhances the quantity and activity of certain immune system cells, facilitating the secretion of active molecules and receptors pivotal for immune responses.

Lactoferrin boasts a high affinity for binding iron and possesses antimicrobial (antiviral, antibacterial) and anti-inflammatory characteristics.

It finds application in the treatment of conditions like cancer, herpes, chronic fatigue, Candida albicans infection and other infections.


Bovine colostrum also features lysozyme, an enzyme classified as a natural antibiotic. Its mechanism involves breaking down bacterial walls, thereby eradicating bacteria and providing protection against bacterial infections.

Bovine Colostrum Benefits For Humans

Colostrum stands out for its unique composition, featuring substances that enhance immunity, facilitate tissue repair and restoration, optimize cell reproduction, fortify mucous membranes to prevent microbial intrusion, promote fat utilization for energy, regulate serotonin and dopamine for improved concentration and mood, and influence various physiological functions.

In the context of existing illnesses, it aids in combating diseases with its immune factors. Additionally, it acts preventively by shielding mucous membranes from microorganisms and toxins, maintaining the body’s physiological balance.

Bovine Colostrum has demonstrated notable effectiveness in:

— Viral and bacterial infections, including inflammation (immunoglobulins neutralize viruses, bacteria, and toxins).
— Gastrointestinal issues: Leaky Gut Syndrome, ulcers, gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease (contains antibodies against pathogens like Helycobacter pylori, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Rota virus).
— Skin and mucous membrane disorders.
— Chronic fatigue and exhaustion.
— Autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus.
— Wound healing for skin, bones, muscles, nerves, sports injuries, and recovery post-surgery, chemotherapy, radiation (natural growth factors stimulate tissue regeneration and accelerate healing).

Scientific literature extensively details the efficacy of colostrum ingredients, showcasing positive impacts on the immune system, inhibiting virus replication (influenza, hepatitis C, HIV-1, rota, and papilloma viruses), and displaying antibacterial actions against H. pylori.

Growing evidence supports the potential value of bovine colostrum in treating various medical conditions in both children and adults, as well as serving as a beneficial supplement for athletes in exercise and recovery.

Bovine Colostrum Side Effects

Consuming cow’s milk is a common practice, but what about its precursor, bovine colostrum? Colostrum is generally considered safe due to pasteurization and sterilization processes. However, certain groups should exercise caution.

Individuals undergoing immuno-suppressive therapies should consult their healthcare provider before using colostrum.

The same applies to pregnant and breastfeeding individuals. Regardless of your health status, seeking advice from a healthcare provider is crucial to ensure compatibility with any ongoing medications.

If you have a milk allergy, it’s advisable to avoid bovine colostrum to prevent adverse reactions. On the other hand, those with lactose intolerance can usually tolerate it since it contains minimal lactose.

For vegans, bovine colostrum is not suitable as it is an animal product. However, vegetarians who include dairy in their diet can safely incorporate it.


Extensive medical and clinical studies globally underscore the immune-boosting and overall health-promoting properties of bovine colostrum.

Utilizing colostrum’s antibacterial attributes proves beneficial in treating challenging wounds, infected skin injuries, and mucous membrane issues.

The anabolic properties of growth factors, notably IGF-1, positively impact the development of connective tissues, muscles, and bone matrices.

As the sole natural supplement delivering both growth and immunity factors, bovine colostrum supports muscle growth and enhances overall immune function.

This is precisely why bovine colostrum is an integral component of the GenF20 Plus daily supplement. Alongside other scientifically proven natural ingredients, it contributes significantly to your well-being.

GenF20 Plus HGH

Bovine colostrum stands out as an exceptional supplement suitable for individuals of all ages — from the youngest to the oldest member of the family.

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